"I met him by appointment that evening at Simpson's" [ILLU] The unthinkable may be about to unfold. Simpsons-in-the-Str...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"I met him by appointment that evening at Simpson's" [ILLU] The unthinkable may be about to unfold. Simpsons-in-the-Str...
by Scott Monty
"We're well up with the times in Sussex." [VALL] As has been reported here last year year, Ian McKellen has been cast ...
by Tac Anderson
"Sit down, and tell me how you came alive out of that dreadful chasm." [EMPT] R eliable narrators are a rare breed, a f...
by Third Pillar
"let us escape from this weary workaday world" [RETI] There are a new series of amusement centers being opened around the USA...
by Scott Monty
"the cardinal points" [MUSG] [ Editor's note: This is a first in a series of reviews by David Lee Andrews, cross-posted ...
by Scott Monty
"I might surprise a confession" [DYIN] Re-imagining the Holmesian canon is an effort that can lead to mixed results: move...
by Gordon D
"on miracle plays" [SIGN] Theatrical Sherlockians probably know Ken Ludwig best for his play The Game's Afoot , whic...
by Scott Monty
"no less than four such numbers" [SIGN] Editor's note: From time to time, we honor the memory of Baker Street Irregu...
"those weekend parties" [SOLI] As you've probably heard, the BSI Weekend is upon us. We've been chronicling th...
by Scott Monty
"a composer of no ordinary merit" [REDH] We're sad to report that composer Patrick Gowers has passed away at age 78. ...
by Scott Monty
"Age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety." [EMPT] It's January 6th - which can mean only one thing in ou...
by Scott Monty
"I've offered to fight him if he thinks I have wronged him" [VALL] In his previous Fight Card entry Work Capitol , A...
by Gordon D