“there are points which make it quite unique” [MUSG] Longtime readers of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere and true fans of Sherlock Holmes o...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
“there are points which make it quite unique” [MUSG] Longtime readers of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere and true fans of Sherlock Holmes o...
by Scott Monty
“Holmes refused a knighthood” [3GAR] One would think that ending up on the monarch's Honours List for the New Year would an honor, inde...
by Scott Monty
“One of the most precious public possessions of the empire” [BERY] Joel Meadows began what eventually became Sherlock Holmes and the Empire...
by Scott Monty
“a brief review of what had passed” [THOR] Photo credit: Will Walsh In the next episode of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere , we'll be...
by Scott Monty
“the rapidity and noiselessness of a serpent” [STUD] Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Bonnie MacBird are back! In the sixth book in her ser...
by Scott Monty
“We have judged it best that you should come late” [ENGR] Editor's note: This may seem like heresy to traditional Sherlockians, who...
by Scott Monty
“he was a born boon companion” [VALL] Today is January 6th — and that marks the date on which we traditionally celebrate Sherlock Holmes...
by Scott Monty
“I take up my pen” [FINA] One of the great joys of contemplation is the practice of writing. When we're alone with our thoughts, we can...
by Scott Monty
“a combination of events” [3STU] Keeping track of everything going on in the Sherlockian world is no easy task. And yet, every year without...
by Scott Monty
“a couple of wooden chairs and a deal table” [REDH] It's Carbuncle Day — "the second morning after Christmas" — the day that ...
by Scott Monty
“pestering me any more with your silly talk” [BLUE] It's always a joy when we hear about new Sherlock Holmes-related events, particular...
by Scott Monty
“to Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman” [SCAN] This is a fascinating episode that brings us closer to the inside story of " The...