"the professional enthusiasm which carried my companion" [SIGN] When your interview guest says that she was hooked on Sh...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"the professional enthusiasm which carried my companion" [SIGN] When your interview guest says that she was hooked on Sh...
by Scott Monty
"you and I will drive together to the Russian Embassy" [GOLD] In 2006, I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere reported on the plans...
"we had this comic interlude" [3GAB] Sherlock is always a draw at Comic-Con. Especially when there's a new series on the ...
by Scott Monty
"a hard-headed British jury" [BOSC] The Baker Street Jurors by Michael Robertson is a delightful lighthearted m...
"I had reached the end of my adventures" [EMPT] Our own online Sherlockian adventure extends to the early 1990s. During tha...
by Scott Monty
"I am one of a hundred" [ILLU] Well, we managed to do it. And it only took us nine years, an 18-month hiatus, one lost...
by Scott Monty
"Holmes's musical disquisition" [STUD] The 1916 Baker Street Journal Christmas Annual will cover the topic of William G...
by Scott Monty
"his manner suggested that it was some strange creature" [ENGR] Holmesian pastiche is rife with mashups, especially the lit...
by Gordon D
"Through the haze" [HOUN] Never say never about what Sherlockians might do or have already done, but so far as I know, the n...
"bear upon the case" [VALL] Sherlock Holmes is no stranger to the animal kingdom. We have seen a delightful rodent versi...
"if it wasn't for this gentleman here..." [NORW] Today marks 86 years since Arthur Conan Doyle became the ultimate spiri...
by Scott Monty
“it was remarkably animated” [SCAN] Disney’s The GreatMouse Detective was released 30 years ago yesterday — July 2, 1986. While no...
by Rob Nunn
"Now and again I drive down to Sotheby's" [3GAR] A rare item from the world of Sherlock Holmes will be up for auction. So...
by Scott Monty
"So there you are, Watson. You are up to date now." [ILLU] It can be difficult to keep up with all of the goings-on of Sherl...
by Scott Monty