"to take stock of the situation" [CREE] Somehow, another year has managed to slip past us seemingly in the blink of an eye. C...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"to take stock of the situation" [CREE] Somehow, another year has managed to slip past us seemingly in the blink of an eye. C...
by Scott Monty
"Yes, Mr. Holmes, I teach music." [SOLI] It's our final show of 2016, we welcome Karen Wilson to the program to ...
by Scott Monty
"connected in some way" [WIST] With the advent of the new Star Wars movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story , it was inevitable t...
by Scott Monty
"four and a fifth" [RESI] This Sunday evening January 1 marks the beginning of Series 4 of Sherlock on MASTERPIECE on PBS ,...
by Scott Monty
"the second morning after Christmas" [BLUE] Today traditionally marks the date on which "The Adventure of the Blue Carbu...
by Scott Monty
"compliments of the season" [BLUE] Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to our faithful readers, listeners and friends. We re...
by Scott Monty
"on the twenty-second of December" [BLUE] On this date in 1888/9, the famed Hotel Cosmopolitan jewel heist occurred. As it ...
by Scott Monty
"towards the Triple Alliance" [NAVA] Sherlock Holmes is such an iconic character in literature that he has been both idoli...
by Spocklock
"It is for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started" [GREE] Sherlockian societies are literally everywher...
by Scott Monty
"Europe was ringing with his name" [REIG] Whether Sherlock Holmes got his first name from a cricketer whom Arthur Conan Doyle...
"at the Danish capital" [STUD] Here's your chance to own an authentic letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Our regular...
by Scott Monty
"a strange and impressive figure" [BOSC] We've lost another actor with a connection to Sherlock Holmes. It seems like we...
by Scott Monty
"my dear Watson, was very faulty" [SOLI] Actor Andrew Sachs passed away on November 23 , aged 86. He was most well known for ...
by Scott Monty
"The date being–?" [CREE] LitHub's erroneous claim A number of sites across the Internet mentioned that December 1 is...