“I have been fooled in this way” [STOC] In our previous Baker Street Elementary installment , we explored the concept of atavism, or of the...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
“I have been fooled in this way” [STOC] In our previous Baker Street Elementary installment , we explored the concept of atavism, or of the...
by Scott Monty
“there were several objects in the room which called for special attention” [BLAC] Collecting must be in the air: following our last episod...
by Scott Monty
“it is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen” [FINA] Cover of “A Quiet Air of Mastery” from the BSI Press This morning we learned the ...
by Scott Monty
“Some Freaks of Atavism” [HOUN] The conversations at Baker Street must have been fascinating. Watson doesn't share everything with us, ...
by Scott Monty
“a small but select library” [GLOR] After covering the Shaw 100 in a previous episode and wondering what the future of Sherlockian librarie...
by Scott Monty
"Is it forgery, coining, burglary?" [VALL] Banknote, Bank of Manchester (credit: Wikimedia Commons ) Donald A. Redmond, BSI , who...
"we should have had the opportunity of playing his own game upon himself" [HOUN] Sherlockians know that "playing the game&quo...
“ they will soon receive a more than sufficient punishment” [BERY] When we think of boarding school education in Victorian England, it's...
by Scott Monty