"it's all your own" [YELL]
Mr. Holmes starring Ian McKellen appeared in cinemas around the world this summer. And now it's time to gear up for the holiday season so you can enjoy this excellent film in the comfort of your own home.
Amazon now has a variety of versions available for pre-order before the release date of November 10, 2015. You can choose from Mr. Holmes as a DVD + Digital, Blu-ray + Digital and both SD and HD versions of streaming video. Sorry, old-timey Sherlockians: no VHS version is available.
If you'd like to pre-order a copy for yourself or a loved one who also loves Sherlock Holmes, you can support our site by using our Amazon links here:
Amazon US
Mr. Holmes on DVD + DigitalMr. Holmes on Blu-ray + Digital
Mr. Holmes on streaming video
Amazon UK
Mr. Holmes on DVDMr. Holmes on Blu-ray
Mr. Holmes on streaming video
We hope you or the Sherlock Holmes fan in your life can enjoy this film over and over again, as it was one of the better Sherlock Holmes films in a while.
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