From time to time, I'm approached by advertisers with offers for you, my readers. As you can imagine, there are all sorts of Sherlock Holmes-related products out there right now. The discriminating Sherlockian can probably tell the difference between the real thing and the hastily assembled also-ran items.
In the spirit of full disclosure, on any of the Amazon links that I share with you, I receive a small commission. It's not much, but it lets me buy one book or CD about every month. And since I'm doing this blog as a labor of love and not asking any subscription fees or support from my readers, I hope that you'll consider clicking on the links or using the Amazon search box in the sidebar to make your purchases. And I should also note that I won't post an advertisement or offer that I don't personally believe in.
In this case, I've got a pair of great offers from Fandango - you can reserve your tickets to the new movie now, through this link, and get a free download of the song "Holmes" from the soundtrack on iTunes:
And you can also enter the sweepstakes, giving you a chance to win a trip for two to London, with a four-night stay at a 4-star hotel and admission to the Sherlock Holmes Museum:
I hope you'll take advantage of this offer, and consider sharing it with your friends. Enjoy!
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