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"she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex" [SCAN]

When Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the original Sherlock Holmes stories between 1887 and 1927, they were groundbreaking in that they helped give rise to serialized stories in which the characters were the central focus. The Canon has been called "a textbook of friendship" as it followed the relationship between Holmes and Watson as well as the adventures they experienced together. For many people, it was a contemporary and believable chronicle.

No less groundbreaking and contemporary is the new web series Herlock. The series explores the vital issues of our time through a Sherlockian framework. Gender bias, LGBTQ issues, personal liberty, corporate power, militarization of the police and more. The things that matter most, tackled by two extraordinary women whose adventures may occasionally remind you of someone else's.

The central character is veterinary medicine student Jonny Watts, who thinks she has her future planned out - until she meets female private investigator Sheridan Hume, that is. According to the Herlock web site:
So are Jonny and Sheridan really Holmes and Watson? Well, yes and no. We all know that society responds differently to a brilliant woman than it does to a brilliant man. And that difference has been a part of these women's lives since they were very young. Now that they are adults, the stakes have increased and the gender gap has widened. They are not their male counterparts as envisioned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (or anybody else). And that's part of the excitement of Herlock -- they'll solve mysteries together, they'll negotiate a relationship full of surprising tensions (and rewards), and they'll do it all while confronting the challenges of being smarter-than-average women in the 21st Century.

Currently a single episode in four acts has been created. "Silver Blade" introduces us to the main characters. And that's all there is for now. But it doesn't have to end there!

There is an Indiegogo campaign set up that needs your assistance - and the help of those around you. The producers are trying to raise $35,000 by Sunday, July 5.

Please do what you can to help support this unique and groundbreaking program.

Herlock was created and written by Lee Shackleford, author and star of the off-Broadway hit play Holmes & Watson and the writer responsible for getting Data back into a deerstalker on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The pilot was produced and directed by David E. Duncan (Snow White and the Huntsman, Iron Man and Iron Man 2, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Chronicles of Narnia). The Director of Photography was Christopher Popp, whose DP credits include the Emmy-nominated Five, and the critically-acclaimed Bollywood feature Lakshya. The pilot stars Gia Mora (Castle, True Detective, Quality Time), Alana Jordan (The Blind Side of Missing Pieces), and Vince Cusimano (Bigger Than the Beatles, Monsters in the Woods).

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