"We both thought the best resource" [SCAN]
We can unabashedly say that we're huge fans of Sherlockology. So it was with great pleasure that we sat down with Jules Coomber and David Mather, two of the four (in addition to Emma and Leif) who run the burgeoning online presence of a site that pays homage to the BBC's Sherlock and the cast and crew that are responsible for it. It's been so well done that many think that it's either an official BBC site or that it's only about the show.
Go with us behind the scenes to understand who these energetic and fascinating people are, what brought them to Sherlock Holmes, what keeps them committed, the relationships they've forged with the creators and staffers of the show, and some behind-the-scenes commentary about how this is all done. And please don't forget to visit Sherlockabilia, the online shop run by these enterprising people. All of the proceeds go back into running the site, which is purely a labor of love.
Technically, this qualifies as our Christmas episode, which is entirely appropriate, as Series 3 of Sherlock gets its world premiere on December 15 and the show hits the wider public on January 1. Along with these gifts, we reference our review of "The Blue Carbuncle" last year at this time, so that's well worth your time. In addition, for those who have downloaded the official I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere app on Android and iOS, we have an extra audio treat for you that you may find of interest.
Of course, we cover some nuggets of current events and news - mostly around the premiere of Sherlock and its anticipation, a reference to our Weekly Links Compendium (so lovingly compiled by Matt Laffey), the growth of the Sherlock Holmes Community and our well laid-out Flipboard magazine.
Our gas-lamp this week comes from the 1959 Baker Street Journal Christmas Annual and is titled "Christmas with Sherlock Holmes." We wish you the compliments of the season.
- The I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere apps: Android and iOS.
- Episode 49 - our Christmas episode
- From our Flipboard magazine:
- A visit to St. Bart's Hospital
- An apt quote from "The Naval Treaty" in Cultural Weekly
- David Stuart Davies remembers Peter Cushing
- Collector Glen Miranker featured in Forbes
- Sherlockology's site
- Sherlockabilia - the Sherlockology Shop
- How Sherlock Holmes Made 50 Shades of Grey Possible
- From Gillette to Brett IV: Basil, Benedict and Beyond - including the special exhibition of original wardrobe items from Sherlock Holmes on the screen.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and be kind enough to leave a rating or review for the show.
Your thoughts on the show? Leave a comment below, send us an email, call us at (774) 221-READ (7323) or use the Speakpipe app right here on the site. Connect with us and other interested Sherlockians on The Sherlock Holmes Community on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. And of course, our web- and app-based Flipboard magazine is a nice collection of links, articles and images.
And above all, please let our sponsors know that you heard us rant and rave about their excellence during the programme: Wessex Press and The Baker Street Journal. Don't forget to get your free audiobook download with your trial membership from Audible, at audibletrial.com/sherlock.
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