Over at the BSJ Web site you'll find the featured article, which this quarter is "The Lion's Mane": A Topical Review by Don Curtis, BSI. In it, Don reviews historical scientific and natural publications to assess the likely culprit of the swimming mishaps, discusses the locale of Holmes's retirement and comments on the author of the story.
Also in the current issue, you'll find the following:
- The latest Editor's Gas-Lamp, Tell Me More, Tell Me More
- "The Sad Tale of the Bull-Pup," in which Lars Falk surmises what happened to that alleged "bull-pup" that Watson claimed to keep
- Charles Meyer questions "Where Did Alicia Go, and Why Didn't Sherlock Find Her?" as he suggests the Mary Celeste as the real-life stand in for the cutter Alicia. Theories range from Jules Verne-inspired disasters to incidents relating to human nature.
- Barbara Roisman Cooper writes another of her excellent stage and screen-inspired features for the Journal in "Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure: The Playwright and Two Actors."
- "A Study in Stanzas: Arthurs, Authors, and Poetry" is Warren Randall's excellent backstory to the poetic exchange between Arthur Guiterman ('To Sir Arthur Conan Doyle') and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ('To An Undiscerning Critic') in Life magazine in 1912.
- In "Two Peas in a Pod: Sherlock Holmes and Abraham Lincoln," Bruce Harris draws parallels (and some controversial ones at that!) between these two giants of history.
- And probably the most unique - if not titillating - article in this issue is Les Klinger's addition to the "Maybe you collect yourself, sir . . ." series: "'The Collection Mania in Its Most Acute Form': A Checklist of Sherlockian Pornography." Don't say I didn't warn you.
- And the usual roundup of the Baker Street Inventory, the editor's Commonplace Book, Scott Bond's artwork, Letters to Baker Street, and Stand with Me Here Upon the Terrace.
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