"Fixing the Nets" [HOUN] When Chris Redmond decided to give up Sherlockian.net after 22 years, there was great ...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"Fixing the Nets" [HOUN] When Chris Redmond decided to give up Sherlockian.net after 22 years, there was great ...
by Scott Monty
"I am one of the hounds" [STUD] Over the years I've proudly said that I was a full-fledged canine member of one of the no...
"how long have you been playing this trick" [VALL] In 1922, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself wrote a Sherlock Holmes parody....
by Scott Monty
"a gang in Chicago" [DANC] The 75th anniversary of a Sherlockian organization is a fine time to reflect on its h...
by Scott Monty
"Don't you see now whence these words have been taken?" [HOUN] Sherlockians have been writing a torrent of words for a c...
"… so distinguished a career and won a great prize lately …" [RESI] The English author Kazuo Ishiguro ( The Remains of the...