!["There Was a Mutter of Conversation..." [VALL]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-htG7vy9vIAA/Tp0KrMUdoWI/AAAAAAAABAU/e7XkFtErqsU/s1600/grey.gif)
I've inadvertently discovered Laurie King's blog, aptly titled Laurie R. King -- Mutterings . In today's post, Madison, Thursda...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
I've inadvertently discovered Laurie King's blog, aptly titled Laurie R. King -- Mutterings . In today's post, Madison, Thursda...
by Scott Monty
The Web site of The Baker Street Journal has undergone yet another change. You already know that the sleek new design has given way to more...
by Scott Monty
For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting Lee Shackleford , I can only say, "That's too bad." Lee is an av...
by Scott Monty
Below you'll find the links to the September issue of Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press , kindly submitted by Peter Blau. Charles Ma...
by Scott Monty
Don Yates, BSI resides in St. Helena, near Napa Valley where he presides over the Napa Valley Napoleons of SH (they're on the Sherlockia...
by Scott Monty
The Londonist just had a post that mentioned the excellent site The Philatellic Sherlock Holmes , a site dedicated to Sherlcokian stamps wo...
by Scott Monty
Via the Hounds of the Internet, Peter Blau reports on a new comedic play called The Unexpected Return of Sherlock Holmes . The Web site giv...
by Scott Monty
Fans of the comic strip " Marmaduke " may have been impressed with a Sherlock Holmes-inspired theme on September 23:
by Scott Monty
Douglas Johnston over at A Study in Sherlock (a beautifully designed and well-informed blog) has started a new series of posts on rare and ...
by Scott Monty
Greg Jordan of the Bluefield Daily Telegraph (Bluefield, WV) has written a very nice first-person perspective about the importance of early...
by Scott Monty
For those of you who are new to the Baker Street Blog, first of all, welcome! It's good to have you here. I hope that you find the con...
by Scott Monty
Robert S. Schultz, BSI ("The Gloria Scott ") crossed over the Reichenbach on September, 7, 2006. Bob was a long-time contributor ...
by Scott Monty
Even our least observant readers can see that we've made a tweak in the design of the site. The background color is now light and the t...
by Scott Monty
"when you have eliminated the impossible" [SIGN] Even nearly a century later, we're still trying to come to grips with Si...
by Scott Monty
Traditionally, one of the biggest obstacles Sherlockian authors have had to overcome is the seemingly limited audience size for whom they ar...
by Scott Monty
The Baker Street Irregulars has lost its oldest member. Ronald Mansbridge, BSI ("A Case of Identity") has passed beyond the Reich...
by Scott Monty
"Stand with me here upon the terrace" The Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes lost an early member last week as well. Barbara Iris ...
by Scott Monty
"Here is an advertisement which will interest you" [ENGR] In our real life, we work in the advertising and marketing industry. ...
by Scott Monty
"let us escape from this weary workaday world by the side door of music" [RETI] Now available online: Act I of The Baker Stre...
by Scott Monty
"You evidently don't know me." [FINA] Ah, the public - "the great unobservant public" - you can count on them...
by Scott Monty
"rather more lax than befits a medical man" [MUSG] Tuesday, September 5 in the United States marks an event for which many S...
by Scott Monty
"the real person is imprisoned in this chamber" [COPP] The good folks over at Ask Yahoo are getting into it: Was Sherlock Hol...
by Scott Monty
"Might I ask a few questions to test you?" [ILLU] Yesterday's San Jose Mercury News ran an Isaac Asimov Super Quiz with a Sh...
by Scott Monty
Once again we are pleased to bring you all of the links from Peter Blau's monthly newsletter Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press: The ...
by Scott Monty