"the Colonel possessed a varied collection" [CROO] Photo courtesy of Glen Miranker There are certain hallm...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"the Colonel possessed a varied collection" [CROO] Photo courtesy of Glen Miranker There are certain hallm...
by Scott Monty
"...when a clever man turns his brains to crime..." [SPEC] What if Sherlock Holmes had turned his brilliant mind towards c...
"to defray whatever expenses I may be put to" [SPEC] Invitations to the Baker Street Irregulars & Friends Weekend in N...
by Scott Monty
"I was invited to a week-end gathering" [LAST] It's always fun to see when the BSI dinner invitations go out, because t...
by Scott Monty
"some sixty members assembled" [VALL] We use the term "Sherlockian" fairly frequently around here. To us, it'...
by Scott Monty
"Mr. Holmes, you are a wizard, a sorcerer" [SECO] One of the advantages of having powers that are uncommon is that one...
by Scott Monty
"Besides he is not a traitor." [LAST] The word "treason" has been tossed around in a political context quite a lot ...
"...the scientific use of the imagination." [HOUN] Imagine Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the case of an invisible man att...
"full of spirits and energy" [GLOR] Bonnie MacBird returns to the show, this time to regale us with her own adv...
by Scott Monty
"lost without my Boswell" [SCAN] Best known as Higgins on Magnum P.I ., John Hillerman died in his home in Houston on N...
"Diminutive footmarks" [SIGN] We initially heard about this film some time ago, but production seemed to have stalled at ...
by Scott Monty
"the equinoctial gales had set in" [FIVE] Halloween has just passed (something we just acknowledged in Trifles Episode 44:...
by Scott Monty
"a collection of my trifling achievements" [MUSG] If you frequent this site, you're certainly familiar with our 10 year...
by Scott Monty
" To act, Sherlock—to act! " [BRUC] Believe it or not, today marks what would have been Jeremy Brett's 84th birthday. It...
by Scott Monty