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"at the end of June" [DANC] 

If you're not yet dialed in to Trifles (available on any podcasting service and at sherlockholmespodcast.com), get to it! Sign up for email updates and/or subscribe via your audio device for weekly updates every Wednesday, when we take about 15 minutes to talk about one or two issues that we've noticed within the Sherlock Holmes stories. It's an approach that we hope brings more people into our fold who are new to Sherlock Holmes and are fascinated with the details within the story, or who may have some questions about what they read.

Here's what you missed in our June shows.

June Update

If you've listened to more than one episode of Trifles, just a word of caution: don't skip the intro or the final few seconds of each show. We vary the introductions and we have a different closing quote from the Granada production on every episode. Collect them all!

We began the month by celebrating what every young student (and their teachers) hail in June: School's Out! In this case, we looked at the boarding-schools and the Elementary Education Act that addressed the situation in England in the mid- to late-1800s.

We have a recurring theme of Sports and Games, and in this case we headed out to the links. Fore! Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson never golfed (or did they?), but golf did come up a handful of times. What was the context in each case?

In our other regular monthly feature, International Sherlock Holmes, is a monthly look at various nationalities and countries in the Canon and how they impact the stories. This month, it's Americans and Sherlock Holmes, as we follow the trail across the United States.

And the month of June ends with us about Watson's Club. We know he spent time there, but given the gentlemen's clubs that existing in London and the time and what we know about Watson, which of the clubs was likely his?

A Question for You

How are we doing so far? Is there anything that's been burning your mind about the stories that you think we should discuss? We'd love your suggestions! Simply email us at trifles@ihearofsherlock.com and we'll add it to our queue of topics.

Also, if you like what you hear, please subscribe to Trifles via the podcast provider of your choice, or to the email updates.

If you'd like to learn more about Tom Richmond, the talented artist behind the show's logo, you can hear his story in Episode 65: Art in the Blood.

