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"He had spread out his big map of London..." [BRUC] 

In the canon, Conan Doyle's stories give London a very tangible sense of place. As Holmes and Watson have their adventures, readers are provided details which make the geography of 1895 London come alive, providing a unique opportunity to engage in "the Great Game".

The London of Sherlock Holmes by Thomas Bruce WheelerAvailable through MX Publishing, The London of Sherlock Holmes by Thomas Bruce Wheeler is a great resource, combining 21st century technology with the canon to provide a thorough piece of Sherlockian scholarship that you can sample via this online chapter.

On a superficial level, The London of Sherlock Holmes is an extremely fascinating book, providing a point-by-point analysis of locations disclosed within each story of the canon. (The online sample chapter focuses on "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" [BRUC]"). For anyone considering a walking tour of Holmes' London, this would be more than adequate. However, reading the electronic version of the book via e-reader provides an additional level of engagement. Clicking on specific links automatically calls up Google Maps of each location. Combined with GPS maps, The London of Sherlock Holmes provides a much more immersive experience, bringing Holmes' London a little closer for readers.

Herewith a few examples of the interactive maps that Wheeler has created.

Famous Londoners' Blue Plaques:

Central London Pubs:

The London of Sherlock Holmes is a fascinating book that combines 19th century atmosphere with 21st Century technology to create a unique experience. This looks like a reference book well worth owning for any Sherlockian


