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"many thanks to you" [NAVA] 

Today was the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, and accordingly, many of us spent time with family, friends and other loved ones sharing a meal and giving thanks for what has been afforded us.

We were listening to a simple, yet moving piece: Aaron Copland's suite from the film Our Town. The 1940 movie brought to life Thornton Wilder's classic play, which highlighted the importance of appreciating the little things in life and demonstrated that even a small town isn't completely immune from the influence of the rest of the world.

"It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another."

The quote is from "Our Town," but it can apply to our busy lives today just the same. With so much happening, we should remember to take stock of who we are, where we came from, and who helps us be the people we are in our respective communities. And to recognize that our communities are far-reaching - well beyond our geographic location.

So thank you to all of our faithful readers. The last year or so has seen us occasionally neglect this blog for a while. We're hoping to return to our roots and spend more time here, as well as to make a return to the podcasting world.


