"this may be some trifling intrigue" [SOLI]
If you frequent this site, you're certainly familiar with our nearly 11 year-long show, in which we interview notable Sherlockians who are doing their part to keep the memory of Sherlock Holmes green. The program I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere has evolved over that decade, but we're on a steady cadence of long-form interviews on the 15th and 30th of every month.
Meanwhile, over on Trifles, we're engaged in something different: we have short discussions of about 15 minutes in length every week in which we talk about one or two issues that we've noticed within the Sherlock Holmes stories. It's an approach that we hope brings more people into our fold who are new to Sherlock Holmes and are fascinated with the details within the story, or who may have some questions about what they read.
And now, on with the recap of our May shows.
May Update
We're still on track, solving the mysteries of some of the questions you hear us ask in our various introductions. Have you noticed that there's a different narration with our theme song each week? The first week of May began with The Worst Parents in the Canon, as a nod toward Mothers Day. But you wouldn't want any of these people as your actual parental units.And then in Episode 71, we continued our monthly feature "Inside 221B" that looks at some of the physical objects we find in the flat at 221B Baker Street. Where There's Smoke wafted around odd things related to Sherlock Holmes's smoking habits: namely, the Persian slipper, coal scuttle, and more.
Our next monthly feature "Unpublished Cases" has to do with tales that didn't make it to the public and that Watson kept in his famous tin box. Our focus was on The Abernetty Family, that notorious murder that was solved because of Holmes's attention on the case thanks to a certain garnish.
Next up, we tested out a few Myths in the Canon, in which we looked at a few things that were believed by certain individuals in the Sherlock Holmes stories, then later proved to be false.
And finally (May was a long month!) we decided to pull back the curtain on The Administrative Side of Baker Street and suppose what Sherlock Holmes had to deal with the day-to-day aspects of running a consultancy, as any entrepreneur would.
A Question for You
Do you have burning questions you'd like answered? Or perhaps you just noticed something on your umpteenth reading of the Canon. Whatever the case may be, please send in your suggestions to us via email at trifles AT ihearofsherlock DOT com and we'll add it to our queue of topics. If you like what you hear, please subscribe to Trifles via the podcast provider of your choice, or to the email updates.And if you'd like to learn more about Tom Richmond, the talented artist behind the show's logo above, you can hear his story in Episode 65: Art in the Blood.
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