"some eleven years ago" [SIGN]
Eleven years ago today – on June 14, 2007 – we broadcast the very first episode of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere. The early episodes were of questionable audio quality, and the cadence of new episodes was fast and uneven. So we burned out ("podfaded" is the industry term) by Episode 18.
Some 18 months later – our own Great Hiatus – we returned. And since then, we've released two episodes per month, typically alternating between one interview show and one show in which we discuss a particular topic. Over the last year, we moved away from the discussion-based episodes as our other show, Trifles, as taken hold. The last such episode was from one year ago: Episode 122: Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.
Now approaching our 146th episode, we've spoken with some amazing Holmesians from a variety of backgrounds – authors, actors, art collectors, caricaturists, editors, society leaders, teachers, impersonators, playwrights, publishers, poker players, Pulitzer Prize winners, Oscar winners, directors, producers, Grammy nominees, bankers, basketball players, bookstore owners, journalists, librarians, retirees, researchers, screenwriters, and of course, Irregulars.
And we're not done yet.
As you can see, the world of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts is a microcosm of the world. We'll be continuing our efforts for as long as we can, and we're always in search of interesting people who can share their passion in a way that interests our listeners.
So, to help us celebrate the 11th anniversary of our show, you can do three things:
- Give our show a review on iTunes.
- Support us on PayPal or Patreon for our transcriptions.
- Recommend a Sherlockian to appear on our show. Email us at comment AT ihearofsherlock DOT com.
Most importantly, THANK YOU for being a regular follower of our site. We appreciate all of the emails, comments, calls, chats, and other interactions that have shown your enthusiasm and support over the years. We couldn't do it without you.
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