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"I did a good deal of shopping" [HOUN]

Even Sherlock Holmes liked browsing in shop windows.

The day after the American holiday of Thanksgiving is typically referred to as Black Friday, named because of the intense shopping spree that happens at most major retailers on that day and the resultant crowds, traffic jams and the like.

More recently, Cyber Monday has joined Black Friday as an alternate day for shopping, only with Cyber Monday (the Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.) referring to online shopping. Just as with Black Friday, shoppers on are the hunt for a good bargain as the holiday shopping season kicks off.

Our most recent episode (Episode 84: Our Favorite Sherlockian Things - listen below) was a holiday shopping guide of sorts, filled with suggestions that our readers and listeners sent in. We even included some of our favorite items as well.

And to make things easier for you, we've even created a dedicated page of Sherlockian gifts, which you can see via the link or in the navigation bar above. We have Sherlock Holmes books, Sherlock Holmes DVDs and videos on demand, Sherlock Holmes games, Sherlock Holmes jewelry, 221B and 1895 oval stickers, and other ephemera. The items range from the original Sherlock Holmes stories to writings about the writings, portrayals of Sherlock Holmes by Basil Rathbone, Jeremy Brett, Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert Downey, Jr., Jonny Lee Miller and more.

Whether you're thinking of buying something for yourself or for a Sherlockian in your life, I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere is a great starting point for your search. Here are Amazon's best-selling Sherlock Holmes books right now. Or if you like, why not start your search here?

Thanks for allowing us to help you with your Holmesian holiday shopping needs. And let us know if there are additional items that we should tell the world about!

[Editor's note: if you are running an ad blocker, please suspend it so you can see the items we've listed from Amazon.]


