This is the latest issue of Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press, Peter Blau's ("Black Peter") monthly newsletter of Sherlockian or Doylean gossip, published in print form since 1971 and as a text-only digital archive on Sherlocktron since 1985. In agreement with Peter Blau, we've arranged to publish facsimiles of the print newsletter here, so online readers can see what the newsletter looks like. Below the scan you can find links to the sites mentioned in the text - in most cases, directly to the article, video or publication, to save you from having to search for the terms.
The following is the September 2011 issue; please feel free to share it via email, social network, or embed it on your own site.
Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press September 2011 Links (in order of mention):
- Animated version of the Dancing Men [video - embedded below]
- Booktrack
- AudioFile Listeners' Guide to Sherlock Holmes
- 6 Beloved Characters That Had Undiagnosed Mental Illnesses
- Town Head - inspiration for "The Speckled Band"
- 221B Badger Street [cartoon]
- Sherlock Holmes Strikes Back!
- Theatre Arts Guild
- Mrs. Sherlock Holmes Takes on the NYPD
- Jeremy Brett scholarship
- LEGO Minifigure Detective []
- Selena Jones Mysteries
- I Write Like
- Darlock Holmes and Dalek Watson
- The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate
- Barefoot on Baker Street
- A Study in Sherlock
- Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce switch roles! [mp3]
- Russian Sherlock Holmes series
- Maria Konnikova's Sherlock Holmes blog series on
- Sherlock Holmes dinner at the Victorian Villa Inn
- Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol at Artist Repertory Theatre
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