“Light-houses, my boy! Beacons of the future!” [NAVA]
Established in 2003, the Beacon Society introduces young people to the Sherlock Holmes stories and recognizes people who are doing their part to do the same. Through grants, awards, essay contests and more, the group has many resources and opportunities for all who wish to get involved.
In this episode, we're joined by Headlight Denny Dobry, BSI ("A Single Large Airy Sitting Room") and Communications Chair Steve Mason, who tell us about the priorities of the group and what you can expect ahead.
Also, tune in for the latest Canonical Couplet. We have another opportunity for you to win a prize in this episode.

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Wessex Press is our lead sponsor. They've been with us for nearly the entire run. Please visit their site and let them know you found them via I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.
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- This episode: ihose.co/ihose183
- The Beacon Society
- The Jan Stauber Grant (Grant deadline is May 1)
- The Joel Senter Essay Contest (Essay deadline is February 1)
- IHOSE remembers Joel Senter
- Fortescue Scholarship Exams
- Other episodes mentioned:
Many more links, articles and images are available in our Flipboard magazine at ihose.co/flipsherlock as well as through our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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