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Many of we Sherlockians enjoy the occasional diversion from the canon - or even pastiche - to partake of something that shows the pervading influence of Conan Doyle and the Great Detective on popular culture. Recently, there were two examples of online content (one a web comic, the other a column written about a specific video release) that were not only influenced by Holmes, but one in particular contains insight into the era.

The online New Comic Day site focuses on the trials and tribulations of a group of comics fans centered around a comics shop. Written by Eric Ratcliffe, the strip has started to focus on a Sherlockian theme, and is leavened with great humor. Here are parts one and two of the Holmes-influenced storyline; updates can be received via RSS feed.

In addition, current Doctor Who producer Steven Moffatt is also working on a second series of Sherlock...but Doctor Who has had a slight Holmesian touch in its past. In October, 1977's Talons of Weng Chiang will be rereleased in a "special edition", with copious amounts of bonus material covering various aspects of the Victorian era (Be sure to check out the documentary on music hall - very enlightening and informative). Please feel free to visit this detailed review from July to gain a greater background, and to also investigate a story that is steeped in atmosphere....

Finally, via the Internet Archive, the first ever Sherlock Holmes-themed film from 1900, entitled Sherlock Holmes Baffled:

Holmes has had an influence on popular culture, and for your enjoyment...a few examples of that influence which span the century.

Editor's note: Gordon regularly covers the intersection of Sherlock Holmes and the entertainment industry. You can also find him at Blog THIS, Pal!and Comic Related.

