The online New Comic Day site focuses on the trials and tribulations of a group of comics fans centered around a comics shop. Written by Eric Ratcliffe, the strip has started to focus on a Sherlockian theme, and is leavened with great humor. Here are parts one and two of the Holmes-influenced storyline; updates can be received via RSS feed.
In addition, current Doctor Who producer Steven Moffatt is also working on a second series of Sherlock...but Doctor Who has had a slight Holmesian touch in its past. In October, 1977's Talons of Weng Chiang will be rereleased in a "special edition", with copious amounts of bonus material covering various aspects of the Victorian era (Be sure to check out the documentary on music hall - very enlightening and informative). Please feel free to visit this detailed review from July to gain a greater background, and to also investigate a story that is steeped in atmosphere....
Finally, via the Internet Archive, the first ever Sherlock Holmes-themed film from 1900, entitled Sherlock Holmes Baffled:
Holmes has had an influence on popular culture, and for your enjoyment...a few examples of that influence which span the century.
Editor's note: Gordon regularly covers the intersection of Sherlock Holmes and the entertainment industry. You can also find him at Blog THIS, Pal!and Comic Related.
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