Peter Blau has just released the April 2007 edition of his newsletter Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press. Without fail, he has provided a good number of links to sites on the Web that may be of interest to Sherlockians and I have aggregated them here.
- Wisconsin Public Radio's interview with the late Ely Liebow - show dated April 8, 2007
- The April Fool's Day post on the Baker Street Blog that started the Russell Crowe / Nicholas Rowe hysteria
- The Russian animation of Sherlock Holmes from the Baker Street Blog
- Dan Baines' announcement that he had found the remains of a mummified fairy while walking his dog in rural Derbyshire received considerable publicity, some of which mentioned Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Cottingley fairies
- Search archives of old newspapers with Google Archive Search
- Steve Hockensmith's novel On the Wrong Track
is the second in his series about Old Red and Big Red Amlingmeyer, Montana cowboys who enjoy the Sherlock Holmes stories in
the 1890s; there's some great material available from Steve's Web site
- The real scoop behind Hercules, the world's biggest dog
- The Magnoli Collection of Prop Replicas has two items of interest: Sherlock Holmes' passport as it represented his travel in the Basil Rathbone / Nigel Bruce series and document on which the curse of the Baskervilles was written
- Spring issue of the Tonga Times from the Mini-Tonga Scion Society has an article about Ted Bergman's miniature 221B Baker Street, with photographs
- Author Michael Kurland's Web site, featuring his novels about Professor Moriarty. His four novels are The Empress of India
- We've mentioned Laurie King's blog here before, but now Mary Russell has her own blog
- Door County, Wisconsin hosts the next Canonical Convocation and Caper from September 28-30, 2007
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