"that's my reading of the first half" [VALL]
Every Sherlockian we have met (and we tend to "work a room" pretty effectively at events) has his or her personal favorite Holmes and Watson pairing from the silver screen or small screen. And invariably, I find that the emotional attachment is linked to a first exposure to Holmes.
For example, there are many Sherlockians - of varying generations - who first discovered the Holmes of the screen through Basil Rathbone
The more dedicated and studied Sherlockians who follow one-time appearances, rarely-seen footage, or actors of less acclaim may have other favorites such as Arthur Wontner,
By way of reference, Sherlockian Bob Byrne runs a site called Sherlock Holmes on Oxford Lane, in which he has two pages of note related to the topic here:
- A comprehensive listing of actors that have portrayed Holmes on the SH Actor's Gallery
- And an article called The Definitive Holmes
Don't forget the radio, Scott! My first exposure to the Canon - outside the books, I mean - was in the BBC radio plays starring Carleton Hobbs and Norman Shelley. (I didn't see or hear Rathbone and Bruce until much later.) Even though I now think that Shelley sounds too old for Watson, to a great extent theirs remain the voices by which I judge all other Holmeses and Watsons.
Roger Johnson
Well done, Roger! You've successfully guessed the topic of Part 2 of the post. Stay tuned for my perspective and some links.
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