We're pleased to bring you, once again, the links from the latest issue of Peter Blau's monthly newsletter Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press.
- The Daily Script is a collection of movie scripts and screenplays for writers, actors, and those who enjoy reading movie scripts. Search for "Sherlock Holmes" and you'll find a script for Billy Wilder's The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.
- The Blue Ridge Radio Players have an audio recording of their performances of "The Second Stain" and "The Six Napoleons" from the Sherlock Holmes Festival at Tryon, NC in 2005 (as well as five other Sherlockian performances)
- Conan Doyle purchased Bignell Wood in 1926, calling it "our country cottage"; it is up for sale again and viewable on the Savills Property site. In addition to dowloading a brochure for the sale, readers can also take a look at the complete floorplan of this 5,568 square foot cottage.

- Search results for the "Crowborough Edition" of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works on Abebooks range from just over $6,000 to nearly $26,000
- Watson's House of Ales in Houston is a new addition to a Texas chain that
includes nine Sherlock's Pubs and six 221B Baker Street Pub and Grills - "Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms," could have not been more accurate than as in John Lennon's self-portrait in Sherlockian costume. Limited edition prints are available from Legacy Fine Art and Productions

- The Secret Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Paul E. Heusinger, is a collection of ten stories memorized by Watson and rescued by telepathic clairvoyance
- "The Game's Afoot," or at least your tour is, with Across the Pond, which offers independent guided tours of the United Kingdom; mention SHM06 for a $250 discount
- Entertainment Weekly published a list of "The 50 Greatest Sidekicks of All-Time," which featured Dr. Watson as #6, behind Ed McMahon, Robin, George Costanza, Chewbacca, and Ethel Mertz. To give EW full credit, part of their writeup included "Watson is more than Holmes' friend: He's his humanity."

- McCranie's offers some Sherlockian pipe tobacco in tins: Peterson's Sherlock Holmes blend and McClelland's 221B-Black Shag, 221B-Arcadia, and 221B-Honeydew
- Some geneological information on Nigel Bruce is available (with the photograph below) on Bruce of Airth and Stenhouse

- Scott and Alison Ibbitson breed bull terriers at Baker Street Bull Terriers; Scott's first bull terrier was named "Watson"
- One Act Players' live performances of "The Speckled Band," "A Scandal in Bohemia" and "The Final Adventure" are available for free dowloand on ArtistLaunch (search for "Sherlock")
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