"When we got back to Scotland it was easily hushed up" [BLAC] Addy and Zabel, the investigative couple from Sherlock's Secre...
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"When we got back to Scotland it was easily hushed up" [BLAC] Addy and Zabel, the investigative couple from Sherlock's Secre...
“You are certainly joking, Holmes” [BLUE] Sherlock Holmes was a practical joker. The great consulting detective — known for his deductive r...
by Scott Monty
“a smoke-laden atmosphere” [VEIL] To imagine Sherlock Holmes without tobacco is impossible. While he is most famously pictured with a pipe ...
by Scott Monty
“seventeen years of age” [SIGN] Mycroft Holmes spoke for all of us in "The Greek Interpreter" when he greeted Dr. Watson with the...
by Scott Monty
“my own little methods” [GLOR] There was no prescribed course of education that Sherlock Holmes could take at university to prepare him for...
by Scott Monty
“the quiet thinker and logician of Baker Street” [BOSC] “You have a grand gift of silence, Watson,” Sherlock Holmes said in "The Man w...
by Scott Monty
“I was feeling drowsy and stupid” [NAVA] We're lucky to have had Dr. Watson. Not only did he provide us with narratives of many of She...
by Scott Monty
“there was gathering an atmosphere of mystery” [HOUN] From September 2023 to April 2024, Edward G. Pettit, the Sunstein Senior Manager of ...
by Scott Monty
“There’s an east wind coming, Watson” [LAST] In "A Case of Identity," Sherlock Holmes demonstrated to Dr. Watson that “life is i...
by Scott Monty
“I would have made a highly efficient criminal” [CHAS] Sherlock Holmes always sought the truth. As he reminded Watson, “How often have I ...
by Scott Monty
“wondering whether the whole thing was an elaborate hoax” [STOC] Today marks 17 years since one of the greatest Sherlockian hoaxes since.....
by Scott Monty