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“I was much astounded by this programme” [HOUN] 

When Sherlockians are looking for more ways to fill their listening and viewing time, what are they to do? We would of course recommend you to either of the podcasts we create, but lucky for you, there's an even better option! 

Sherlock Mondays are offered through the Rosenbach Museum and Library, running from September 2023 to April 2024. These Biblioventures are the creation of Edward G. Pettit, who is the Sunstein Senior Manager of Public Programs at the Rosenbach.

For 30 weeks, Ed and his co-hosts take us through more than half of the Sherlock Holmes stories, complete with commentary and cocktails, among other things. Ed takes us behind the scenes to understand how this series was developed and what to expect next.

You'll want to stick around for the Canonical Couplet. The prize this time around is going to be an admission ticket to Sherlock Mondays covering The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by December 14, 2023 at 11:59 a.m. EST. All listeners are eligible to play.

If you become a Patron of the Arts, not only will you help to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and transcription services, but we have thank-you gifts at certain tiers and ad-free versions of the episodes for all patrons.

Become a Patron!

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Find all of our relevant links and social accounts at linktr.ee/ihearofsherlock.

And would you consider leaving us a rating and review? It would help other Sherlockians to find us.

Your thoughts on the show? Leave a comment below, send us an email (comment AT ihearofsherlock DOT com), call us at 5-1895-221B-5. That's (518) 952-2125.


We are so grateful for our supporters on Patreon, who make our transcripts possible. Every amount helps.

