"We're well up with the times in Sussex." [VALL] As has been reported here last year year, Ian McKellen has been cast ...
by Tac Anderson
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"We're well up with the times in Sussex." [VALL] As has been reported here last year year, Ian McKellen has been cast ...
by Tac Anderson
"The disconsolate journalist had seated himself at a writing-table." [SIXN] When I first heard of Strongwood: A Crime Dossi...
by Tac Anderson
"Here is a gentleman of a medical type." [STUD] I write about pastiches here on I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere, and while past...
by Tac Anderson
"I guess you are the daughter" [STUD] Do you ever read a book that makes you want to read more? I don't mean like th...
by Tac Anderson
"He was a kind of Italian piecework" [SIXN] The Italian Secretary was the first taste of the Sherlock Holmes pastiche addi...
by Tac Anderson
"He was very willing to have a holiday" [REDH] As we start to wind down the year and get ready for the holiday, I for one a...
by Tac Anderson
"My man knew he was comin', for he had steam up in the launch." [SIGN] You might think that this is a post comparing th...
by Tac Anderson
"Give me your details, and from an armchair I will return you an excellent expert opinion." [BRUC] The year 2010 was an eve...
by Tac Anderson