Last year, we went back to the entertainment world and surfaced a report that Amy Adams was going to be playing Mary Russell in a movie adaptation of The Beekeeper's Apprentice
But Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson did manage to play a part in at least one April Fools' Day prank that we heard about.The social networking site LinkedIn - a platform for professionals to connect and share work experience - used its helpful feature "People You May Know" and suggested a few familiar but unlikely suspects.
What an amazing opportunity: a chance to connect directly with Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes! It's almost the digital equivalent of writing a letter to 221B Baker Street and getting a response from Sherlock Holmes's secretary, a role the Abbey National Bank filled for so many years.
In addition, YouTube got into the action by changing their logo for the day to what they used a century ago:
They created a video summary of the "Top 5 Viral Pictures of 1911" that even included a horse and buggy crash - watch closely for it:
Did you hear of any Sherlock Holmes-related April Fools' Day jokes? Let us know by leaving a comment.
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