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"Dear me! that is friendship indeed" [DEVI]

Christopher Morley once said that the Sherlock Holmes stories were a textbook of friendship. We've heard this platitude before, but what does it mean? How did the relationship between Holmes and Watson manifest itself in the Canon and how does that impact us as Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts today, in the digital age?

We discuss the elements of Holmes and Watson and how they were influenced most notably by the personality of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; the difficulty in portraying the depth of the characters and their relationship on stage and screen; and how Sherlockians make each other's acquaintance.

We get to your comments - which you can submit below, on our Facebook Page, via email (comment AT ihearofsherlock DOT com) or by calling 774-221-READ (7323). We read the Gas-Lamp from Vol 2. No. 1, 1952 that celebrates Dr. Watson.

Note: there may be some dated mentions, as this episode had been "in the can" for a while.

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