“never for such stakes” [EMPT] We all know Sherlock Holmes's reaction to the existence of vampires: “It's pure lunacy.” He was spec...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
“never for such stakes” [EMPT] We all know Sherlock Holmes's reaction to the existence of vampires: “It's pure lunacy.” He was spec...
by Scott Monty
“we have much to hope” [NAVA] Why did Sherlock Holmes have clients? Because invariably, people found themselves in unfortunate circumstance...
by Scott Monty
“You really are an automaton,—a calculating machine!” [SIGN] To say Sherlock Holmes had trust issues would be an understatement. He admitte...
by Scott Monty
“He was not studying medicine.” [STUD] From the very beginning of their association, we know that Sherlock Holmes was good at science-relat...
by Scott Monty
“twinkling in front of us through the gloom to guide us” [SPEC] Photo courtesy of Will Walsh, BSI Every profession, every hobby needs me...
by Scott Monty
“on to other topics” [NAVA] We're often told to avoid talking about politics and religion in certain settings. Sherlock Holmes didn...
by Scott Monty
“a course of lectures” [COPP] The name Mattias Boström, BSI ("The Swedish Pathological Society") will be familiar to the I Hear o...
by Scott Monty
"He appears to know every detail of every horror perpetrated in the century." [STUD] Completists and/or fans of Sherlock Holmes o...
“the folly of a monarch” [NOBL] Aside from "a certain gracious lady" who gifted Sherlock Holmes an emerald tie-pin at Windsor one...
by Scott Monty
“striking illustration” [ILLU] Arthur Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes famous in various periodicals and eventually books. But it was Holme...
by Scott Monty
“And so under” [MUSG] One of the side-benefits of reading the Sherlock Holmes stories is we have the opportunity to educate ourselves on te...
by Scott Monty
“as if by magic” [REDC] Sherlock Holmes appeared to have other-worldly powers to some people in his orbit. It's not that he was employi...
by Scott Monty