"a group of people who seemed to be intensely amused" [BLAN] Image credit: The BSI Trust Once upon a time, a man invited a group o...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"a group of people who seemed to be intensely amused" [BLAN] Image credit: The BSI Trust Once upon a time, a man invited a group o...
by Scott Monty
"the lady's story was complete" [ABBE] Sherlockian pastiche in the past ten years has gained a higher profile through contex...
by Gordon D
“ in the vain hope of seeing some signs” [STUD] One topic that has fascinated Sherlockians for years is the date of Sherlock Holmes's...
by Scott Monty
"You are a collector, this set has come your way" [ILLU] In our previous episode, we talked about some of the items in our colle...
by Scott Monty
““There is nothing in which deduction is so necessary as in religion” [NAVA] In "The Sussex Vampire," Sherlock Holmes remarks, ...
by Scott Monty
"on my...birthday" [GLOR] Today is January 6th — and that marks the date on which we traditionally celebrate Sherlock Holmes's...
by Scott Monty