"a group of people who seemed to be intensely amused" [BLAN]
Image credit: The BSI Trust |
Once upon a time, a man invited a group of his friends to join him for lunch and conversation about his favorite literary figure. Eighty-seven years later, the Baker Street Irregulars continues, but what about that early set of people?
Thanks to the incredible research skills of Linda and Terry Hunt, we know more about these 60+ people than we have in quite a while.
Terry Hunt, BSI ("The Something Hunt") joined us to talk about the inspiration for Aboriginals, the book in which he and Linda outlined the lives of these people, from the insiders to the irregular Irregulars. These were fascinating people in a half-remembered, half-forgotten time, and a window into their worlds make ours that much richer.
The Canonical Couplet quiz takes on a new form this time around. Our prize is a copy of Performing Arts magazine from January 1981. Answers are due by February 14, 2021 at 11:59 a.m.
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- This episode: ihose.co/ihose209
- Aboriginals by Linda and Terry Hunt (BSI Press)
- "Restaurants" (The New York Times, July 12, 1985)
- Previous episodes mentioned:
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Transcript - I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 209: Aboriginals
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