“the artist had brought out the full effect of the lustrous black hair” [NOBL]
Cho is also a Sherlockian, and has been one for quite some time. It's only recently though that his profession and his hobby have begun to find a common thread.
We chatted about the evolution of his talent and his career, as well as what the future hold in store for this very talented artist.
We have a wonderful prize for this episode's Canonical Couplet. What is it? Tune in to hear what you could win if you try your hand at our tricky quiz. And we have extra art from Frank exclusivesly for our Patreon supporters. See below for how to become one.
Information on sponsors, links, and notes available below.

Please do consider becoming a Patron of the Arts. Your support helps us to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and this year, transcription services.
Wessex Press is our lead sponsor. They've been with us for nearly the entire run. Please visit their site and let them know you found them via I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.
We have room for more than one sponsor. If you're interested in advertising with us, you can find more information here. Let's chat!
Download [Save As] | File size 26.9 MB, 58:49
- This episode: ihose.co/ihose188
- Frank Cho on Instagram
- Frank Cho on Facebook
- The Art of Frank Cho (Flesk Publications)
- The Complete Sherlock Holmes read by David Timson (Naxos)
- Franklin Booth (Wikipedia)
- Barry Blitt's New Yorker cover
- Previous episodes mentioned:
- Episode 16: Jerry Margolin
- Episode 65: Art in the Blood (artist Tom Richmond)
Many more links, articles and images are available in our Flipboard magazine at ihose.co/flipsherlock as well as through our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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Transcript costs have recently risen by 25 percent, so our goal is to reach the $125 per episode level on Patreon. Please consider signing up by clicking the link.
Transcript will be here soon.
Transcript will be here soon.
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