"Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last." [REDC]
We were recently delighted to discover a TED-Ed Lesson, courtesy of Charles Prepolec (whom you may remember from Episode 57: A Sherlockian Halloween). For those unfamiliar, TED-Ed is an arm of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), the conference dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading," which are widely shared on their website and YouTube channel.
TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative whose mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Anyone is free to build a Lesson on TED-Ed, with modules to Watch, Think, Dig Deeper, and Discuss.
Who IS Sherlock Holmes? is a lesson created by Neil McCaw (educator), Lasse Rützou Bruntse (director), Tobias Dahl Nielsen (sound design), and Stephen LaRosa (composer). It traces many of the things you know as a Sherlockian, but compresses them into this five-minute video:
In addition, the Think session has a 10-question quiz that ranges from open-ended questions ("In the 19th century, detectives such as Sherlock Holmes were starting to use scientific techniques to help them investigate crime. Can you think what the techniques might have included?") to multiple-choice options. The Dig Deeper section has links to other resources, such as the original stories, The Conan Doyle Collection, The University of Minnesota Sherlock Holmes Collection, and the Toronto Public Library Arthur Conan Doyle Collection. The Discuss section features a guided discussion under the question, "Why do you think that the popularity of Sherlock Holmes endures today? Can you think of more ways..."
It's a wonderful resource for those new to the field or to children who are discovering Sherlock Holmes.
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