"I hear of Sherlock everywhere since you became his chronicler." [GREE]
Sherlock Holmes - or at least things associated with Sherlock Holmes - can be found virtually everywhere you look. It's one of the reasons we named this site I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.
In this case, one only has to look as far as the Naperville (Illinois) police report for Friday, August 23.
The tenth entry in the blotter has an intriguing address:
Civil dispute: About 4:41 p.m., 27-year-old man called police to 1200 block of Conan Doyle Road concerning “visitation dispute.”
And the entry directly following it has an all-too Canonical (or at least Starrett-inspired) price associated with the stolen item:
Shoplifting: Between 5:12 and 5:30 p.m., oboe valued at $1,895 stolen from Brookdale Music, 1550 N. Route 59.
"What is the meaning of it all?" [HOUN]
We believe there are two ways of looking at this phenomenon. The first is to simply acknowledge that the influence of Sherlock Holmes is such that he's taking over the world. The recent spate of movies, television shows, stage productions, graphic novels, video games, websites, books and more means that the detective's presence is seeping into everything.A more likely explanation is related to the psychology behind the power of suggestion. While it may not be as simple as a single individual directly influencing another, perhaps through powers related to hypnosis, it's obvious that those of us familiar with the Canon can find instances of it in everyday life. In essence, we're more attuned to discover evidence of the things we like and know than those who are outside of that circle.
So, there's no mystery here. But there's pure enjoyment for those of us who know what to look for.
Have you discovered anything related to Sherlock Holmes in an unexpected place?
Image credit: minifig (Flickr)
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