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Jeremy Brett as Sherlock HolmesOn the anniversary of Jeremy Brett's death, his alma mater, the Central School of Speech & Drama at the University of London, has started a scholarship in his memory.

Funded by an Italian donor, Ms. Pia Trona, the scholarships will apply to five applicants in financial need for the 2011-12 entry year, with an addition two slots for each of the following entry years (2012-13 and 2013-14).

Ms. Trona remarked,
"Jeremy Brett is an inspiration to me, and I wanted to be able to find a way to help him to be remembered amongst the next generation of Central students so that his legacy might continue. I couldn’t fund a whole school the way he dreamt of doing, but I hope that by making this gift I can help in some way make a difference in the life of a hard-working, talented student."

The scholarship is meant to commemorate Brett’s contribution to acting and his mental health advocacy work, as well as his dream to found a school for unemployed actors. For more information, please see the related press release.

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