"with his pen in his hand" [BOSC]
We've got a few Sherlock Holmes pens in our possession and we'd like to make a couple available to our readers. For those who haven't seen this particular design previously, it was designed after a sketch by Tom Richmond and made for sale by David Ian Davies. It's a unique and handsome pen, made of resin and fashioned with a replaceable ball-point cartridge. You'll definitely be the envy of fellow Sherlockians with this one!
We thought an interesting way to share the wealth would be to run a contest that involves you, dear readers.
Here's how you can be eligible to win one of the two pens we have available:
- Leave a comment on this article describing what likeness of Holmes you picture when you read the stories.
- Share this post from ihearofsherlock.com with at least one other person - using email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or whatever social network you prefer - and tell them about the contest.
- Share another post from this site with at least one other person - using email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or whatever social network you prefer - and leave a link to that mention in the comments section of this post.
- Mention @ihearofsherlock on Twitter with a link to this post.
- Like I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere on Facebook.
The contest will be running until 11:59 p.m. EDT on September 15, 2011, after which we will choose two individuals at random. Good luck!
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