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Some 10 years ago or so at a Baker Street Irregulars dinner, Roger Johnson, BSI ("'Pall Mall Gazette'") alluded to the Gilded Age of Sherlock Holmes that we honor and lament as something of the past, yet he noted that at the time we were entering something of a Golden Age as interest was resurgent. Today, with the hype cycle once again waxing, coupled with the near-universal availability of Internet access, we believe that we're entering into something of a Platinum Age of Sherlock Holmes - where the subject of our interest intersects with burgeoning technology.

One example of this is the proliferation of websites dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. We've selected a few of interest here in the sidebar - "Groups of Mysterious Persons" are some scion societies that have sites and includes a link to the master list of all societies; "Gathered From Many Nations" highlights some of the Sherlockian groups from around the world; "Perhaps He Desires the Publication to Read" is a short list of some of the sites that can help the avid Sherlockian attempt to sate the never-ending thirst for more. It goes without saying that Sherlockian.net is probably the grand-daddy of all of these.

Recently, we were made aware of one of the older scion societies - The Red Circle of Washington, DC, having just celebrated its 60th anniversary - finally making the leap to the digital world. This is quite considerable, as Peter Blau, BSI ("Black Peter"), 2s, ASH, who has long been a sparking plug within the group (he holds no official title, incidentally), is known for his typed notices that even in this post-Web 2.0 world still find their way to inboxes and mailboxes alike.

Screenshot of http://www.redcircledc.org

If you take a look at the Red Circle's website, you'll find a nice layout with everything the Beltway native (or visitor) would need: notes of meetings past, present and future; a calendar of events, essential links, and perhaps our personal favorite: Black Peter's Logbook. It's an homage to the story from which Peter's investiture is taken, and a nod to what Peter is really doing: blogging (Shh - don't tell him!).

Are there other favorite Sherlockian sites that you have? What should we add to our roster? Please share them in the form of a comment below.

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