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For those of you who didn't catch on yet, yesterday's post (April 1, 2007 - that should have been a dead giveaway) was a hoax. While the rumors of Russell Crowe are still rumors, albeit well-publicized ones, the Nicholas Rowe fantasy was purely an invention of the twisted minds here at I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.

You have to admit that it would be an excellent casting choice, but we'll have to leave Hollywood to its own devices. After all, they keep bankrolling Tom Cruise films...

Thank you for playing along - especially those of you who left comments. We see we only managed to sucker one person ('Anonymous') entirely.

And if you happen to be a student of popular culture, you might be interested to know that April Fool's Day hacks occurred all over the Internet. It's a longstanding tradition at Google, and many people in the blogosphere picked up on it.

Image credit: quinndombrowski (Flickr)



Noe_Izumi said... April 3, 2007 at 4:26 PM

My heart has broken LOL

Actually I'm a big Nicholas Rowe fan and this would have be... just... awesome.


Fortunately I already knew it was a joke, haha.

Haley said... April 5, 2007 at 2:23 PM

You had me going too. I called my mom and everything!!! It wasn't till after that I looked at the comments that I realized it was a prank. Grrr. I really don't want Crowe to play Sherlock. Rowe would be such a good choice too. I want to cry now lol.

Scott said... April 5, 2007 at 10:46 PM


The "Background information" link at the end of the Nicholas Rowe post would have cleared everything up. Sorry to have disappointed you. ;-)

Anonymous said... April 6, 2007 at 12:04 AM

Thought you might be interested - FilmStalker has picked this up as truth, and it's passed on to Pr-Inside!

Quite a successful April fooling! :)


Scott said... April 6, 2007 at 12:46 AM

Thanks. I've also noticed it on:
Bits of News
Entertainment News International

When I originally made the post, I wondered if anyone would be taken in. I thought that even if no one believed the joke, it still had the potential to get the attention of someone in Hollywood.

It still might...

Noe_Izumi said... April 6, 2007 at 7:00 AM

Oh, Good God, just imagine for a moment that this get the attention of someone. Then it will be the BEST joke in the world hahahaha!

*keeps dreaming*
