"all to rags" [SILV]
Richard Roberts has written Rags to Riches: the Case of the Hire Shop Fiend
This delightful book is illustrated with cute drawings that are very welcoming to children. The story, told in verse, is easy to follow and keeps the reader in suspense all the way to the ending, which thankfully, was a happy one.
It concerns a mystery - who shot Saville Row and ripped Tiffany Ball Gown? Along the way, we meet a variety of characters such as Rags, General Homestore Blazer, Poly Esther Dress and the gloves Fingers and Thumbs. The hero of the story, as you may have guessed, is a costume appropriately called Sherlock. There is a hint that there may be further adventures to come...
According to a book review from Children's Webmag, it's "an unusual book, but really good fun." The write that their readers - children - have had a very positive response to it:
"[The children] loved the illustrations and the story made them laugh out loud. Very entertaining for children and parents alike."I couldn't agree more. And the author is very community-minded: a portion of the proceeds from this unique book go to MDF - the Bipolar Foundation. In addition, he wrote the following in his note to me:
I do hope that the book will introduce younger readers to the world of Sherlock Holmes and help to create a whole new generation of Sherlockians.So do we. You can learn more about the book and its delightful characters on the Rags to Riches site. We look forward to more.
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