I know there are a number of Sherlockians out there with vanity plates (personalized license plates for automobiles). As a matter of fact, I seem to recall someone about 10 years go putting together a database of Sherlockian vanity plates. Does anyone know if it still exists?
Well, I thought it might be interesting if we created our own right here. I found a License Plate Generator that allows you to see your plates as they would appear, should you choose to spend the extra cash on them.
I'm thinking that I might like to have one, but in my state, there are restrictions against beginning the plate with a numeral. So, in order to adhere to the guidelines of the Commonwealth and to seem a little more clever - and let's face it, to torment the already distracted Massachusetts drivers even more - my vanity plate would look like this:

What would your Sherlockian vanity plate look like?
Hey, while you're at it, pimp out your Holmesmobile with an oval sticker and you're set!

I have a California plate, "S HOLMZ". No one asks why!
Mine is more subtle! An Ontario plate reading "17 steps" - leading to questions about a particularly rigorous addiction program . . .
The plate on my motorcycle is SHRLOK - I wear a doublebilled helmet to go along with it.
I actually have CCXXIB on my Virginia plate.
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