“the feted hero” [VALL]
David MacGregor's Sherlock Holmes: The Hero With a Thousand Faces takes on the task of explaining the continued popularity of Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective over the course of three centuries.
In plays, films, TV shows, and other media, one generation after another has reimagined Holmes as a romantic hero, action hero, gentleman hero, recovering drug addict, weeping social crusader, high-functioning sociopath, and so on. In essence, Sherlock Holmes has become the blank slate upon which we write the heroic formula that best suits our time and place.
David joined us to discuss the inspiration for this ambitious work, plus the debut of his latest play, Sherlock Holmes and the Ghost Machine, featuring Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. He has made a generous offer to listeners of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere who would like to see the play.
The Canonical Couplet follows the interview: two lines of poetry, and you need to identify which Sherlock Holmes story they represent. The winner receives one of David's books (your choice!).
Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by March 14, 2022 at 11:59 a.m. EST. The winner will be chosen at random from among all the correct answers. All listeners are eligible to play.
Also, for our Patreon supporters, we have exclusive images from David's productions available for viewing.
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- Wessex Press is the premier publisher of books about Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle, including The Sherlock Holmes Review.
- MX Publishing has launched the MX Audio Collection. Use the code IHOSE to get 25% off a monthly or annual subscription.
- This episode: ihose.co/ihose235a
- Sherlock Holmes: The Hero with a Thousand Faces (MX Publishing)
- David MacGregor's Holmes-Adler Mysteries (The Elusive Ear, The Fallen Soufflé, The Ghost Machine)
- Purple Rose Theatre
- David MacGregor (website)
- Long-lost William Gillette film located
- Other episodes mentioned:
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