“one would like to know the reason for such elaborate deception.” [MISS]
In the west end of London, an apparently crazed individual is on the loose, breaking into art galleries and private homes to slash valuable paintings of women. Enter Joanna Blalock and the Watsons, protagonists in the latest in the Daughter of Sherlock Holmes mystery series.
Leonard Goldberg, a USA Today bestselling author, has done a clever job with The Art of Deception, his fourth in the series, from Minotaur Books (St. Martin's Press). He joins us to talk about his inspiration, his experience in the medical profession (and kinship with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), the writing process, and why Sherlock Holmes continues to fascinate him.
Listeners may want to try to solve the mystery of the disappearing co-host, and hear about our next show.
And don't forget to try your hand at our latest Canonical Couplet quiz for a chance to win a copy of The Art of Deception. Entries must be submitted by noon EDT on August 14, 2020.
Information on sponsors, links, and notes available below.

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Information on sponsors, links, and notes available below.

Please do consider becoming a Patron of the Arts. Your support helps us to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and this year, transcription services.
Wessex Press is the premiere publisher of books about Sherlock Holmes, including the Sherlock Holmes Reference Library, scholarly work, and titles dedicated to the stage and screen.
MX Publishing has the largest collection of new Sherlock Holmes novels, biographies, graphic novels and short story collections in the world.
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- This episode: ihose.co/ihose197
- Buy the book: The Art of Deception: A Daughter of Sherlock Holmes Mystery
- Leonard Goldberg's site
- Jeremy Brett - Playing the Part (MX Publishing)
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Transcript will be here soon (if you can contribute to making that happen).
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