The Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota know how to put on a conference. They've hosted many in the past, including the most recent, Victorian Secrets and Edwardian Enigmas in 2007.
The description of their latest conference, "The Spirits of Sherlock Holmes" notes: The Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota and the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota are sponsoring a conference to explore the many meanings of the word "spirits" and how they relate to Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Victorian Era. The conference will take place August 6-8, 2010 at the Elmer L. Andersen Library at the University of Minnesota, home of the Sherlock Holmes Collections, the world’s largest collection of Sherlock Holmes-related material.
The conference will feature presentations, vendor tables, a silent auction of selected duplicate items from the Collections, an exhibit of rare and unique materials from the Collections, a performance of an Edith Meiser radio script by the Red-Throated League of the Norwegian Explorers, and the Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections.Spirits of Sherlock Holmes - August 2010
Speakers include: Ray Betzner, BSI ("The Agony Column"), Susan E. Dahlinger, BSI ("The Bruce-Partington Plans"), ASH; Evelyn Herzog, BSI ("The Daintiest Thing Under a Bonnet"), ASH; Gideon Hill, BSI ("Jack Prendergast"); Brad Keefauver, BSI ("Winwood Reade"); Leslie S. Klinger, BSI ("The Abbey Grange"); Jon L. Lellenberg, BSI ("Rodger Prescott"); Peggy Perdue; Tim Reich; Richard Sveum, BSI ("Dr. Hill Barton").
Registration for the conference is now open. You can fill out the form below and mail it in.
Spirits Registration
Image credit: Scooby Doo Wikia
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