"weekend visitors" [SOLI]
Well, the Baker Street Irregulars weekend is upon us! Hundreds of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts will converge upon New York in an annual ritual that has its origins all the way back in 1934.
The unofficial headquarters of the weekend is the Algonquin Hotel, home of the famed Algonquin Round Table
You can also follow along on Twitter, as we use the "hashtag" (that's a pound sign in front of an acronym) #bsiweekend. Expect to get the news of the newest investitured members of the Baker Street Irregulars on Twitter as they're announced.
If you can't be with us in person, we hope you're with us in spirit. This is an exciting time for Holmesians everywhere. It's amazing how much we'll be able to share through the power of the web.
Click here to see related posts on the BSI Weekend.
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