“a nasty cropper” [STOC] We have to applaud the efforts of James Ryder in his ingenious solution to finding a hiding place for the blue car...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
“a nasty cropper” [STOC] We have to applaud the efforts of James Ryder in his ingenious solution to finding a hiding place for the blue car...
by Scott Monty
“ Let me have the straight tip and you won't be a loser ” [SILV] With the BSI Weekend coming up next month, we thought it might be h...
by Scott Monty
“the number of the chapter is immaterial ” [VALL] I love an advent calendar. During a cold, dark month, where the pressure to do just the r...
“the preparation for submarine attack” [LAST] Good storytellers transport us to other places and times by virtue of their ability to create...
by Scott Monty
“Would you mind reading it to me aloud?” [STUD] One of the annual traditions of Sherlockians around the world is to read "The Adventur...
by Scott Monty
"...drawn in Egyptian letters..." [STUD] Sherlockian pastiche has always acquired inspiration from other literary works, famous ...
by Gordon D
“making my excuses” [SCAN] It isn't often that Sherlock Holmes makes a mistake. Or makes an excuse if he can't properly divine info...
by Scott Monty
“we wrestled for it all” [VALL] For over a century, Sherlockians have "played the game," a tradition of applying a range of lite...
by Scott Monty
“Holmes’ triumphant expression and the ring of his voice” [STUD] Regular listeners know that when we have an opportunity to speak with othe...
by Scott Monty
“even in a decade” [SECO] As any parent knows, the days are long, but the years are short. And so it is with the children of Baker Street E...
by Scott Monty
“carry about a portable Newgate Calendar” [3GAR] The Sherlock Holmes stories may be fixed at a certain point in time, but they are timeless...
by Scott Monty
“I listen to their story, they listen to my comments” [STUD] Trial lawyers are supposed to be experts in conducting interviews and interrog...
by Scott Monty
“never for such stakes” [EMPT] We all know Sherlock Holmes's reaction to the existence of vampires: “It's pure lunacy.” He was spec...
by Scott Monty