"What sort of a game is that—eh?" [DYIN]
While it's customary for us to utter "the game's afoot!" at the end of each episode, in this case it's more appropriate to say it as we commence.
We're joined by Dave Neale, researcher in play and psychology, writer and game designer. Dave is responsible for the the game Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars.
In our wide-ranging conversation, we talk about the series of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective games, how one goes about creating a game, the difference between playing games as a child and as an adult, the common psychology behind storytelling and game design, and much more.
We have a special announcement about our Patreon/Paypal supporter community and we discuss what's ahead.
You'll want to see if you can test your knowledge with the Canonical Couplet: we give you two lines of poetry that describe one of stories, and you name it. The winner will receive a copy of the game Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars. Entries are due by 11:59 pm EDT on December 14, 2020.
Information on sponsors, links, and notes available below.

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- This episode: ihose.co/ihose205
- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars
- Dave Neale's website
- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective from Space Cowboys - including free downloads
- The full range of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective games from Amazon
- Previous episodes mentioned:
- Episode 54: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes (with Maria Konnikova)
And would you consider leaving us a rating and review? It would help other Sherlockians to find us.
Transcript - I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 205: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
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