"A Presentation, I See" [HOUN]
A few weeks ago I wrote about The Secret of Sherlock Holmes, a play that is being produced by Shakespeare & Company out in Lenox, Massachusetts. In conjunction with the month-long performance, this weekend, October 19 - 21 there will be a special celebration honoring having Sherlock Homes in our lives for 120 years.
You can check out the full details of the Weekend of Sherlockian Discovery, which feature speakers such as Sally Sugarman, Leslie Klinger, Peter Blau, Dick Riley (author of The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Sherlock Holmes), and me. Tickets are still available, and I seriously recommend this series of events. One plus - you can purchase tickets a la carte, so if you don't want to or can't attend everything, you can select those events that are of the most interest to you. The venues themselves look like a reason to attend:
Oh, and if you're wondering about my presentation, it's called Sherlock 2.0: Discovering the Great Detective in the 21st Century. In it, I'll explore how Sherlockians around the world have been connecting since the early part of the 20th century, how drastically it has changed in the last 15 years alone, and what it means for Sherlockians of future generations.
I hope to see you there.
Update: the press is starting to pick up on the events.
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