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Have you heard of BAFAB? It's short for Buy a Friend a Book, the brainchild of author Debra Hamel. Buy a Friend a Book Week is upon us - for the first week of July, go out and buy a friend a book, for no reason at all. According to the site:
Just get yourself to a real-life or virtual book store during Buy a Friend a Book Week (the first weeks of January, April, July, and October) and, well, buy a friend a book (or e-book)! But here's the fun part: you can't buy your friend a book because it's their birthday or they just graduated or got engaged or had a baby or anything else. You have to give them a book for no good reason. In fact, this present out of the blue from you should shock the pants off of whomever you decide to give it to. And it'll make them happy. And that's the point: promote reading, promote friendships. Just make sure to let them know about Buy a Friend a Book Week. (How? Print out this explanation and include it in your gift book. Or, if you're not giving your friend the book in person, just point them to the explanation's URL.)

So, if you're interested in reading, friendship, books or any combination thereof, please consider BAFAB. To get you started, here are some links to notable online bookstores. While you're at it, why not introduce someone to Sherlock Holmes?

Alibris 190x112


Thomas Hamburger Jnr said... June 30, 2007 at 5:14 AM

Great idea!

And, if you're short of cash, you could always point your friends in the direction of Harry McFry Investigates, which has now reached Chapter 112 and is rattling towards the solution!

(Forgive the plug - Harry needs all the help he can get in solving this one - but I thought I had better Fuel Your Blog by way of apology!)

Kind Regards


Ian Green said... June 30, 2007 at 10:17 AM

You've been tagged in a game of Eight Things You Don't Know About Me - started at fuelmyblog. Got to: http://greengathering.blogspot.com/2007/06/eight-things-you-dont-know-about-me.html

sherlock said... June 30, 2007 at 2:06 PM

I bought myself some books for no apparent reason.
